For many of you perfume has been a tantalising experience since childhood.The scent of your mother's Eau de Toilette,your father's Cologne,The smell of Spring/Summer in the air..Our olfactory sense is a powerful emotional tool. These are the storries I will tell and the reviews and interviews I will write about. It is the world of perfume.....

Dec 3, 2011


Who is Romano Ricci?
Arriving at Klein’s on Brunswick St, the first thing I notice is a large coffee bar at the front of this chic little shop of wonders. As I walk inside there is a friendly atmosphere and people buzzing around with champagne and delicious little pastries. The shop is filled with an alluring scent from the testers on the counter. Romano Ricci is at the back having some pictures taken.
At first I was a little nervous to meet the great grandson of the Ricci clan. Here is Romano Ricci, not only the creator and driving force behind Juliette has a Gun but with a famed heritage that is very impressive. His great grandmother was Nina Ricci, a fashion Icon of the elegant days, his grandfather was Robert Ricci well renowned perfumer and creator of L’Air du temp. What woman, at some stage has not worn or smelled this. If not her, but her mother or grandmother. It is a timeless and elegant perfume.
My first impression of Romano Ricci is meeting a man who is ‘comfortable in his own skin’. Romano is confident, intelligent, earthy, romantic, intense, philosophical, forward thinking and uniquely stylish. As you know, he is always adorned by a smart fedora and vest complete with a red rose on his lapel jacket. A little ‘rock’n’roll, a little rebellious and totally cool. My nervousness melted immediately.
What inspires Romano to create scent?
He is fascinated by characters and personalities. His perfumes participate in the part of role playing. If you want to be impish and innocent you wear Miss Charming, if you want to be sensual and intriguing you wear Lady Vengeance, regal and glamorous like Citizen Queen or genderless like calamity J. In Romano’s words’ ‘We are all crazy in the end, we hide it differently’
Juliette has a Gun is a wardrobe of personalities in which we can hide behind. We can put on the mask of whoever we feel like being at the time. Sounds like fun?
This latest addition to the Juliette has a Gun collection is called ‘Not a Perfume’. Why? Because it basically is not... There are no essential oils in Not a Perfume.
This is a single note scent known as a soliflore synthetic and therefore allergy free (for those who are allergic to flowers, grasses and pollens) But don’t be fooled. This is as complex a perfume as any other on the market, if not more so. Like a chameleon it changes and adapts to the wearer whether it be male or female. No two scents will smell alike. ‘Why’? Because the PH of the skin, the lotions, soaps we use, the food we eat changes with everyone. This is what makes us all individual, and this is what inspires and intrigues Romano Ricci.
Throughout his collections Romano has been very partial to a particular scent. From Miss Charming through to Midnight Oud, the intoxicating aroma of woody muskiness has always been a presence. Whether it has been subdued or loud, think of Miss Charming or Lady Vengeance the musky wood note has been a recurring theme throughout Juliette has a Gun. To Romano Ricci it was only a matter of time before he created a perfume from this one beloved note.
A single note synthetic scent conjures up images of a monotonic aroma without variations. This is very far from the reality of this scent. Even though Not a Perfume has no top, mid or base notes it subtly twists and changes with every passing moment. A well rounded elegant tone, it adheres to the skin like a fine kid glove. This is not a scent that will walk into a room before you but gracefully accompanies you and lets you shine through regardless of gender.
Interviewed & written by Lily
Juliette has a Gun available 
Agence de Parfum  David Jones Melbourne
Galerie de Parfum Myer Melbourne
Klein's Perfumery Fitzroy Melbourne

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