For many of you perfume has been a tantalising experience since childhood.The scent of your mother's Eau de Toilette,your father's Cologne,The smell of Spring/Summer in the air..Our olfactory sense is a powerful emotional tool. These are the storries I will tell and the reviews and interviews I will write about. It is the world of perfume.....

Nov 28, 2011


With the event of the industrial revolution and electicity by 1889 Paris had undergone a serious of social changes. The middle class was restless and needed new outlets to entertain themselves with. No longer were nightclubs and caberets exclusive to the elite of Parisian society as the austerity of class distinction was breaking down. New ventures such as the dancehall Elysee Montematre were in full swing and the place to be seen.This was a place where artists such as Emile Zola Guy de Maupassant and Toulouse Lautrec would mingle with the elite and the common. A new dedication to Paris knowns as the EIffel Tower was also being erected. Paris was buzzing with excitement and her populous were on an agenda of fun and frivolity.
Two shrewed businessmen, namely Joseph Oller & Charles Zidler saw this as a challenge and built the Moulin Rouge as a direct competitor and rival to the Elyee Montematre.The Moulin Rouge had to be bigger, better, more colourful and of course, more decadently enticing.

Imagine as you enter through the brightly red painted wind mill facade you hear the high pitched chatter and laughter from all walks of life.The scent of polished timber and tobacco mingle with the ever present and overtly popular alcoholic beverage known as Absinthe  warmed by cinnamon and sweetened with sugar.Ladies in their laced , sequined and feathered finery awash in iris , musk and a hint of patchouli, their rouged lips and powedered faces drenched in excitement . Artists await with paintbrushes and easel, poets and writers with their paper and pen. All eagerly waiting for the night's entertainment known as the scandalous can-can.
From mid stage a row of high kicking dancers and coutesans come dancing forward in a sensual sea of velvet, lace and powder.Their knickerless legs twirling in the air as they finish landing in a full split on the timbered floor.Men are voyeuring and women are shcoked only to return to replicate the experience  once more, again and again. This was one of and the most popular of the grandiose shows at the Mouling Rouge.
Histoires de Parfum have successfully bottled this experience  of la 'Belle Epoch", an era of decadence and scandals.
The top note tantelise  with prune, tangerine and cinnamon remeniscent of the exquisite little tarts and friands served with flowling champagne.
The mid notes of absinthe and Damascan rose moistened by the reddened  lips sipping on the 'Green fairie'.
Base notes of iris, patchouli, musk and fur finally allow you to experience the complete adventure  of an era of  gaiety, playfulness and hedonism which was the Moulin Rouge of 1889.

Written by Lily

Histoires de Parfum Available at Gallerie de Parfum Myer Melbourne

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