For many of you perfume has been a tantalising experience since childhood.The scent of your mother's Eau de Toilette,your father's Cologne,The smell of Spring/Summer in the air..Our olfactory sense is a powerful emotional tool. These are the storries I will tell and the reviews and interviews I will write about. It is the world of perfume.....

May 11, 2012


Once upon a time in a land far far away... There lived a princess...

 All princesses are beautiful and fair.This princess wanted her own designer fragrance to capture and allure her Prince charming.
 What would it smell like??

 She asked her fairy Godmother to create her a special scent. Her Fairy Godmother, Vera Wang was reknown for conjuring up the most exquisite bridal gowns in all the land as well as an array of intoxicating potion. Let’s see a touch of mandarin with a sprinkle of litchi, add a hint of apple and a dusting of apricot and water lily. Stir gently so as not to bruise the exotic fruits. Mix well with guava, tiare flower and tuberose. Brew it slowly and then blend with liquid  chocolate, vanilla essence and amber. Cool and clear the purple liquid and enclose it within the princess’s heart.

 This magical elixir will surely turn heads as she wears it close to her being. A scent of love, innocence, youth and sugar cookies. Prince Charming could not possible resist her now!!!!

This is what Princesses are made of.....

That is, in the land of fairy tales.....

And they lived happily ever after......

Written by Lily

Vera Wang Princess
Available @ Fragrance  Heaven
                    Myer Melbourne